English translation for "industrial ore"
- 工业矿石
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Brief introduction to semi - industrial ore dressing exploration of special grade potassium feldspar products 特级钾长石产品的半工业性选矿试验简介 | | 2. | Through the study we know the valley of syncline and the peak of anticline are all good storing places of ore - forming element . to form large industrial ore deposit , the condition of magma channels and the metallogenic fluid must be up to the mustard synchronously 研究结果表明,矿体的形成过程中,向斜构造的凹部和背斜构造的轴部虚托部位都是成矿的有利位置,但仅此还不够,还应该有较好的通道条件和丰富的含矿流体来源。 |
- Similar Words:
- "industrial operation" English translation, "industrial operations division" English translation, "industrial operations support division" English translation, "industrial opportunity" English translation, "industrial or commercial" English translation, "industrial organization" English translation, "industrial organization technoooligy" English translation, "industrial organizational psychology" English translation, "industrial organizations and management" English translation, "industrial oscillograph" English translation